Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on reddit Share on stumbleupon Share on email Share on whatsapp We all know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s everywhere. There’s no escaping it. The pink ribbons on the cookies, the T-shirts, the cute socks. Almost every newsletter in my…
How To Practice Self-Care While Writing Your Novel
Writer’s block. Self-doubt. Imposter’s Syndrome. Dry spells. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the result is pretty much the same thing: creative burnout.
Romance Movies To Watch When You Want To Fall In Love
If you’re anything like me (and you should really kinda hope not, I’m neurotic as hell), you probably have these times when you need to stop everything you’re doing and just watch a feel-good, over-the-top, nothing-will-stop-true-love romance movie. A movie that just makes you fall in love with it.
5 Things I Learned About Grief After Losing My Mom
In theory, I should have been prepared for the grief. We’d known the end was coming, and I’d been the one to get the call that there was nothing left to do. I’d been the one to sign the papers for it, and I’d been the one who had to look her in her beautiful face and tell her it was time for hospice, when she’d been in physical therapy the day before. Besides. It was cancer. What kind of happy ending was I expecting?
I Lost My Mom To Breast Cancer
This was MY MOM. No one should have to fight this hard, this long, on so many different levels while knowing it was a losing battle. But do you know how many times I saw my mom cry in almost 5 years? Twice. Once after her metastasized diagnosis, and then the day I had to tell her it was time for hospice. Can you imagine the kind of strength that took? To face every day knowing your fight was ultimately going to be not enough, and this disease would eventually win?